Willcob Care is a team of Health and Social Care Professionals with extensive industry experience.

Contact UsCavendish House, Plumpton Road, Herts EN11 0LB+44 207 101 4403info@willcobcare.co.uk
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Where We Operate

Service Homes

Cavendish House

Regulated by CQC


The Drive

Regulated by Ofsted


Longleigh Lane

Regulated by Ofsted

What We Offer


Supported Living Services

We provide innovative and person-centred support that will enable you to live as independently as possible within your own homes and in your local community.

Live In Care

Our popular alternative to someone moving into a care home. It enables them to stay in their own home and meet their changing needs. For some people it offers a way of continuing to live as independently as possible

Respite/ Outreach Services

Our short breaks offer adults, children and young people with special needs a chance to access activities in the community

Residential Services

We are currently developing residential packages that will meet your needs if this option is for you

Our Specialists

Why Choose Us

High Quality

We plan for every person
passionate and supported.

Fast Working

We apply urgency in our work
delivering timely services.

24/7 Customer

We are avaiilable
Our homes are best in class.

We have
Expert Team

A well trained staff
passionate and supported.