With Us, Your care is our Priority
Willcob Care is a team of Health and Social Care Professionals with extensive industry experience.Through our proven experience, we provide specialist assessments and well-trained professionals to deliver exceptional, inclusive and person-centred services that meets the needs of the people we support. Ranging from a custom designed domiciliary care services for children and adults; such as home support, live-in care, supported living and community outreach services to residential services and day opportunities.
We offer specialist and personalised care packages that are carefully and custom design for children, adults and elderly with learning disabilities, autism, mental health, physical disabilities, dementia, complex needs and alternative communication (behaviour that challenges).
Come have look at
Our Homes
Service Area
Supported Living Services
We provide innovative and person-centred support that will enable you to live as independently as possible within your own homes and in your local community.
Live In Care
Our popular alternative to someone moving into a care home. It enables them to stay in their own home and meet their changing needs. For some people it offers a way of continuing to live as independently as possible
Respite/ Outreach Services
Our short breaks offer adults, children and young people with special needs a chance to access activities in the community...
Residential Services
We are currently developing residential packages that will meet your needs if this option is for you...
Willcob Gallery
The Willcob Experience
The Willcob Experience is a Willcob Care model to ensure that the people we support are receiving exceptional quality and outstanding services. We use the below six (6) arms of Willcob Experience to design and measure our services. With this model, you will be sure that the services you will receive will be as stress-free, fun and pleasurable as possible. We will use our experiences, skills and expertise to support your journey and give you a Willcob experience.
Our services are uniquely designed from the norm. We develop and offer our care packages in a dynamic and unique way
Our care packages are custom design to meet your individual needs. We understand you live in a changing environment and you are not static as well, thus, our care packages are flexible and adaptive to change with you.
Friendly faces and environment are too important to us, that’s why our staff are carefully selected to support you in a very friendly way. We will sure provide you with a friendly, safe, inclusive and supportive environment.
It is your health, your care and your life! Our staff are trained to empower you to make informed choices and to support you to develop your independent living and social skills.
Our care packages are custom design to meet your individual needs. We understand you live in a changing environment and you are not static as well, thus, our care packages are flexible and adaptive to change with you. Once your needs change, the package will also change to be suitable and relevant at all time.
As a quality driven organisation, our support services are designed and measured against the ultimate quality through The Willcob Experience
Why Choose Us